Dynamics Lab

About the MEDs lab
The Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Lab scientists and researchers study the interactions and relationships between different components of marine ecosystems. They examine physical, ecological, and biological processes that affect the marine environment, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and the impact of human activities.
The lab is equipped with specialized instruments and technology to monitor and analyze near-shore and oceanic data along wide-depth gradients from shallow reefs, through the mesophotic zone, to the deep seas, allowing researchers to understand and predict changes in marine ecosystems.

The Team
The MEDs Lab combined a multidisciplinary team of researchers from diverse backgrounds such as Marine Sciences, Biology, Ecology, Geology, Management and Technology to solve urgent questions in Marine Research & Conservation

Gal Eyal, PhD
Principal Investigator
Gal is the head of the MEDs Lab at Bar-Ilan University specialised in the dynamics of marine ecosystems

Noa Simon-Blecher, PhD
Lab manager
Noa is our lab manager (shared with Prof. Levy's lab) specialised in molecular biology and phylogeny of marine organisms
PhD & MSc Students

Ankita Das
PhD student
Ankita has been doing her thesis in the lab since mid-2023. She is focusing on the effect of climate changes on the coral holobiont from shallow and mesophotic environments using molecular and biochemical tools.

M.Sc. student
Deep-Sea Research in Eilat, Red Sea

Ph.D. student
A highly motivated biologist/ecologist/engineer who is desired to make an impact in the field of modern and historical ecology. Candidate should be able to lead the project independently with high dedication and responsibility and should have a strong work ethic.
The candidate will be a team player capable of working in a fast-paced research environment, occasionally in the field, for long and unconventional hours.

Almog Haim
Illai Madnick
M.Sc. student
Mesophotic Ecosystems Research in Eilat, Red Sea

Amir Agami
M.Sc. student
Shallow vs. Mesophotic Corals' Biochemistry Compounds and Regulations

M.Sc. student
A highly motivated biologist/ecologist who desires to make an impact in modern and historical ecology.
The candidate will be a team player capable of working in a fast-paced research environment, occasionally in the field, for long and unconventional hours.
Undergraduate Students

Lihi Alon
BSc student @ BIU
Lihi is doing her last-year BSc final project in the lab. She is focusing on 3D photogrammetry data reconstructions from Heron Island, GBR, Australia

Sky Yedidia
BSc student @ BIU
Sky is doing his last-year BSc final project in the lab. Sky is using advanced 3D modelling techniques to study coral reefs in Moreton Bay, Australia. His role is centred on generating high-resolution orthomosaics from vast image datasets, which are then analyzed to assess the effects of bleaching on coral ecosystems.

Noam Edry
BSc student @ HAC

Neta Gidron
BSc student @ BIU
Neta is doing her last-year BSc final project in the lab. She is focusing on coral fluorescence diversity and function in native and captive conditions

Sara Tafara
BSc student @ HAC

BSc student @
Dr. Bar Feldman